Online, April 2, 2020

What About the Rent?
An AFIRE Virtual Event (Members Only)
April 2, 2020, 10:30-11:30 ET
As owners and tenants respond to life in the midst of a global health pandemic, many of us are asking, what’s going to happen this month when the rent is due?
What does (and should) rent collection look like in a period of economic dislocation? What responsibilities do property managers, landlords, and tenants have to each other–especially as the playbook rapidly changes by city, state, and country?
Register here or below to join the discussion along with AFIRE member experts discussing the legal, asset management, and owner points-of-view for understanding asset-level risk and opportunity during COVID-19.
- Gunnar Branson, CEO, AFIRE (Moderator)
- Byron Carlock, US Real Estate Practice Leader, PwC
- Mark Gibson, CEO, Capital Markets Americas, JLL
- Clyde Holland, CEO & Chairman, Holland Partner Group
- Paul Meyer, Partner, Real Estate Practice, Mayer Brown
Launched in early 2020 as part of AFIRE’s membership events program, AFIRE Virtual Events provide a recurring digital format for AFIRE members to stay connected beyond in-person meetings.
The weekly, members-only, town hall-style meetings are simple 60-minute, discussion-style sessions (hosted on Zoom), with AFIRE member panelists and presenters talking about current trends and ideas in an accessible, conversational format.
Other special virtual events, outside the weekly scheduled, focus on specialized and timely topics, as well as supporting ongoing education and research.
AFIRE Virtual Events are recorded and made available for members only.
Asmait Tewelde, Meeting Director | +1 202 312 1404