Online, May 6, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021, 12:00–1:00 p.m. EDT
As the world moves towards reopening, with the opportunity to strengthen old relationships and build new connections, AFIRE welcomes all association members and invited guests to our first-ever digital global networking open house.
Held in an interactive digital expo center, guests can move from table-to-table to connect with fellow members, exchange ideas, collaborate, and have open conversations about the issues that matter to you and your colleagues.
This meeting will also serve as an open forum to present and discuss the official 2021 AFIRE International Investor Survey Report, underwritten by Holland Partner Group, which will be released a few days before this event.
All AFIRE member organizations are invited to participate, though no more than three delegates from each member company will be able to register.
To register, select “Save Me A Spot” and create a simple profile.

Designed as part of AFIRE’s membership program, AFIRE Virtual Events provide a recurring digital format for AFIRE members to stay connected beyond in-person meetings.
AFIRE Virtual Events are recorded and made available for members only.
Asmait Tewelde, Meeting Director | +1 202 312 1404